
Arthritis is a disease that causes stiffness and swelling along with pain in our joints and it mostly happens to the aged people. In this disease, a lump is formed in our joint due to which it is called arthritis disease. There are many symptoms that start appearing from the beginning, if you pay attention in time, then you can get rid of this dangerous disease.

Mainly, the patient of arthritis has more pain in waking up in the morning, pain in the joints of the body, legs, and arms also. But it is not necessary that all these symptoms are for arthritis because there are many types of arthritis and it is only known after the test.

Symptoms of arthritis

1. If you have pain for more than one week without any injury or prior pain, then it can be a symptom of Arthritis and in that case, you should contact the doctor immediately
2. If there is swelling in your joints which is not due to any injury, then it mainly signs of Arthritis disease.
3. If you are having trouble with your daily work due to joint muscle pain then you have Arthritis.
4. If your joints are swollen and painful to the touch or if the pain increases, then it is the symptom of Arthritis.
5. If you have a pain in your back while picking something up and does not cure even when taking medicine, then understand that you have Arthritis.
6. You started feeling pain only after sitting for a while in your arms and waist, especially after waking up in the morning, understand that you have Arthritis.
7. If it is not treated at right time, it can also give you the disease of anemia due to which there is a lack of blood in your body and also you can fever due to the strong attack of arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis

Cartilage is a soft and flexible tissue of your joints. It protects your joints by absorbing pressure and shock when you walk and puts pressure on the joints. Many types of arthritis occur due to a lack of cartilage tissue.
Common injuries become the reason for osteoarthritis it is one of the most common forms of arthritis. Infection or injury to the joints reduces the natural amount of cartilage tissue. If this disease has been going on in the family for a generation, then there is every possibility of continuing this disease.

Another common form of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis it is a type of autoimmune disorder. It starts when your immune system attacks your tissue, these attacks have an effect in the synovium. Synovium is a soft tissue found in your joints, which is made a form of liquid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is the disease that occurs due to the synovium, which attacks the tissue of your joint and tries to destroy it. It also causes joint bone and cartilage to be destroyed.

Treatment of Arthritis

Treatment of arthritis is to improve your symptoms and joint functions. Before treating it, make sure which treatment is better for you according to what kind of arthritis you have by numerous tests and exams. And after all, examine your doctors will advise treatment which will be best for you.


Medications for treating arthritis depend on its type. The following medicines are used to treat arthritis.
1. Painkillers medicine (analgesics) – This medicine reduces pain but no effect on inflammation. For example – acetaminophen
2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – These medicines reduce pain and inflammation and some medicine available in the form of cream and gel which applied in place of joint pain. For example – ibuprofen
3. Corticosteroids – It reduces inflammation and effects on the immune system and it is taken orally or injected into painful joints.
4. Counter-irritants – To prevent pain, it is applied in the place of painful joints.
5. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) – It is used to cure rheumatoid arthritis.


If there is no effect from the medicines, the doctors may advise going for surgery.
1. Fixing the joint – in this type of surgery doctors tries to smooth the surface of joints and reorganized, by which joint pain is cured and their function is better than before.
2. Knee replacement surgery – This is a very common surgery for the problem of arthritis. In this process, the defective joints are replaced with artificial joints. Such as hip and knee joints.
3. Joint fusion – In this surgery, doctors try to join two bones together and it is often used for small joints. Such as wrist, ankle, and finger.

If the treatment of arthritis is done at the right time, then you can avoid a serious disease. Do not ignore its initial symptoms and immediately go to the best doctor. Dr. Sudeep Jain who is one of the best spinal surgeon in Delhi can treat every kind of arthritis problem. To book your appointment you may call us at. 


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