Spinal Stenosis
stenosis is the narrowing of your spinal cord, which is the open area of your
spine. Narrowness puts pressure on the nerves of your spine, and that causing
pain, numbness or weakness.
Aging is the
main causes of spinal stenosis, because the wear and tear of the spinal disc
and joints make the canal narrow. And such conditions may become the causes of
arthritis or spinal stenosis.
stenosis can affect any area of your spine. Although it may often occur in the
neck (cervical stenosis) or lower back area (lumbar stenosis).
You may
notice that symptoms of spinal stenosis occur on one side of your body and
increase over time. Symptoms of spinal stenosis include:-
1. Weakness or numbness in your legs and
2. Pain in your neck, arm, leg, thighs,
buttocks, back, etc
3. Bowel or bladder problem
4. Spoilage while walking
5. Partial or complete leg paralysis in
extreme cases
If you are
struggling to form these symptoms, then understand you are suffering from spinal
stenosis and you need a specialist who can help you to get rid from these serious
Aging is
the most common causes of spinal stenosis, this is because the spine consists
of bones separated by a disc. And the disc is made of jelly-like flabby
substance, so the disc releases water as we age. As a result, growth called
bone spurs form on the surface of the bone, eventually cause the narrowing of the spine. There could other medical condition for spinal stenosis such as,
1. Arthritis
2. Inflammatory spondyloarthritis, which
is a term to describe diseases involving your joints and spinal areas, where
ligaments and tendons attach the bone.
3. Scoliosis
4. Spinal tumors, abnormal growth that
occurs inside the spinal cord.
5. Paget’s disease is a disease that
causes bone weakening.
6. Herniated disc
If you go to
a specialist for your spinal stenosis problem, then your doctor first examines
you well by performing numerous tests like Imaging scan, electromyography exam.
Bone exam, etc and then will tell you if you need non-surgical or surgical
treatment for spinal stenosis
the doctors will prescribe you nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs),
ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) to relieve the pain and inflammation.
therapy is one of the most effective non-surgical treatments which will help
patient to get rid of the pain by performing different types of exercise to
restore movement and function.
Cortisone is the injection is given to the patient to reduce swelling and pain.
non-surgical treatment is not very beneficial for you, then doctors use the
surgery option and try to use a minimally invasive method that targets only
affected areas and protect healthy tissue.
Types of
surgery and procedure:
this surgery is for removes lamina and part of the vertebrae. Also, try to
create more space in the spinal cord.
this surgery enlarges the area where the spinal root exits the spinal cord.
fusion procedure - to connect the vertebrae that are causing pain, so they no
longer move around.
stenosis can be such a fatal disease, you can guess from the fact that you may
also be at risk of paralysis in the extreme condition. Before the spinal
stenosis reaches that level, you need a specialist to make free you from this
disease completely. Spine Solution India is a place where every kind of spinal
problem can be treated including spinal stenosis. Come under the treatment of
our experts now and get rid of this disease. To book your appointment call us
at 7065157366/ 011 4557 0043
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