What is Lumbar Spondylosis?
What is Lumbar Spondylosis? To understand Lumbar Spondylosis in straightforward language, it brings into the category of age-related changes in spine bones. In most cases, such changes are called degenerative disc disease, and osteoarthritis. Such changes are common causes of spine problems , and their condition can be changed from mildness to severeness anytime. How will you recognize it’s Lumbar Spondylosis? Most often you will you find no symptoms to identify Lumbar spondylosis? In certain conditions, if you figure out back pain, and stiffness in bones there are possibilities of Lumbar spondylosis. Such back pains worsen at the start of the day and keep getting better as the day commences. Methods to diagnose Lumbar spondylosis There are different ways to diagnose the medical issue. The method of diagnosis depends upon the history of symptoms, medical image tests, and some physical examinations. Three common tests include: --->X-rays-...